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Tips on Managing Change in Our Lives

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Tips on Managing Change in Our Lives

Your circumstances and the changes you may be facing will be unique.  These ideas may help you think about ways to increase your coping resources or reduce your demands.   The adjustments may only need to be temporary, while you reach a better balance.  In general, it’s best not to try too many changes at once.  Be prepared for it to take more time than you thought to feel balanced again.


  • consider (temporarily) lowering your standards – focus on what you can do. 
  • sign up for services like prescription deliver 
  • when someone says, ‘is there anything I can do to help?’ practice saying ‘yes’ 
  •  when someone says, ‘do you mind helping me out with…?’ practice saying ‘no’   


  • remind yourself that difficult feelings are normal, 
  • try not to judge or criticise yourself 
  •  make an emotional first aid kit of things to look at, listen to, touch, smell and taste which help you to feel better on a bad day.  


  • make time for people or activities that bring you pleasure 
  • meet virtually with people by phone or video if you are not able to travel 
  • look for support groups for people with similar difficulties  


  • use a budgeting app to help you understand changes in your income and outgoings 
  • stay in contact with your manager/HR or occupational health service, if working 
  • use websites for price comparisons and purchasing advice.  
  • contact places such as the Citizen’s Advice Bureau or look at the Support section of this website for your local area 


  • visit a place where you have felt peaceful 
  • make contact with a spiritual leader or chaplain (many don’t ask that you have any particular faith) 
  • recognise other times in life when you have come through difficulties.   

It may be that you can make the adjustments you need to on your own, or with the support of people already in your life.  Many of the pages on this website link to organisations or resources that help with the kinds of challenges we encounter at times of change.  These exist because it is normal to need some outside support.  You may find them helpful.

Related Resources

  • Lifestyle ChangesLifestyle Changes
    Strict dieting is unsustainable for most people. Use this resource to consider how to make gradual and realistic changes to move towards a healthier lifestyle.
  • Tips and Resources for Eating DifficultiesTips and Resources for Eating Difficulties
    There are lots of things you can do to make healthier eating choices. Here are some tips to try and resources to access if you struggle with problem eating.
  • An NHS Self-Help Guide to Understanding Trauma
    Here’s a self-help guide prepared by NHS Inform. It aims to help you understand the experience of trauma, make sense of it, manage reactions to traumatic experiences and decide if you need further help.
  • Physical Activity
    Physical activity can be really helpful for improving our physical and mental health but it is not always easy to fit in the recommended amount or to find the right balance against other important areas of our lives.
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The Wellbeing Lothian website has been developed to provide information, self-help resources and links to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing.

We want to help you make changes in your own lives and point you in a direction to start doing so. This is Wellbeing Lothian’s aim.

Learn More about Wellbeing Lothian

This website is not intended in any way to replace the advice of a clinician. Specific advice should be sought in specific situations from a properly qualified health worker.


If you have any questions about our website or are having difficulty finding something in particular,  please fill in a few details below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership
Midlothian Health & Social Care Partnership
East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership
West Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership