Scottish National Spine Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

“Is surgery normally successful?”

This is the most important question we are most often asked. We speak to you before and after the operation to check you are personally happy. We want to fulfil our duty to you in the Patients Rights (Scotland) Act 2011. There is a Charter of Patients Rights and Responsibilities to go with the most recent published 27/06/2019.

To check all operations we do more. This fits with the Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s mission of “…better quality health and social care for everyone in Scotland”. They advise use of standard questionnaires, called Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). The electronic system we currently use is called the British Spine Registry (BSR).

When things go wrong we make sure you know as we believe in being open and transparent. This is called Duty of Candour detailed in the Duty of Candour Act 2016 and the Duty of Candour (Scotland) Regulations 2018.

In the hospital there are ways of discussing and reporting any issues when things go wrong or there are problems. We record any issues on your medical records on a system called TRAK. There are operation records on a system call ORSOS.

There is an Adverse Event Reporting System called DATIX with this and other policies for NHS Lothian Hospitals on the internet from July 2019. Along with this we aim to comply with the Scottish Mortality and Morbidity Programme (M&M). We have meetings for the whole team every 3 to 4 months. We started using the hospital TRAK M&M from 16/07/2019 so these discussions are on your medical record.

Just ask if you want to know anything else about your care and tell us how you want us to feedback to you.