If you think you are in labour or think your waters have gone, please call the hospital where you are booked to have your baby for advice. You will be asked for your details and a brief account of your present situation and given advice as to what to do next.
If you are booked to give birth at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh or the Lothian Birth Centre, please call the Labour Line: 0131 242 2672.
If you are booked to give birth at St John’s Hospital, in Livingston, please call the Labour Ward: 01506 524 125.
The above telephone numbers are answered by midwives 24hrs each day.
If you are over 12 weeks pregnant and have urgent health concerns that require same day assessment, for example vaginal bleeding or reduced movements of your baby, please contact:
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh – Triage on 0131 242 2657
St John’s Hospital – Labour ward on 01506 524 125
The above telephone numbers are answered by midwives 24hrs each day.
For other medical enquiries, please contact your GP surgery or out of hours call NHS 24 on 111.
If you have an emergency of a life threatening nature, call 999 for an emergency ambulance.