Maternity Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Midwifery Care

Our visits to you at home

Your community midwives will be visiting you and your baby at home over the next 10 days after the birth of your baby.  Your midwife will do some checks to make sure that you are recovering well after the birth and that all is well with you and your baby.

You will have a home visit and postnatal checks the first day after you come home. This will take place any time between 0930 and 1600.

You will then have visits on day 2, 3, 5 and 10.  Please ensure you are available for checks on these days as this is when routine checks must be done.

This page describes what checks we will offer to do and gives useful information about the first days at home.

At Every visit

  • Your emotional well-being:

We will talk about how you are feeling and answer any concerns or questions you have.

  • Your physical well-being:

 Mum: healing of any birth trauma or caesarean wound; urine & bowel output; lochia (blood loss); any swelling you have or abdominal or leg pain; breast or nipple condition or any other physical symptoms.

 Baby: observing for jaundice; overall health and behaviour; urine and bowel output; cord observation

  • We will ask about baby’s feeding
  • We will provide feeding support

Other routine checks that we will offer on specific days

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 5Day 10
  Postnatal Checks as above  Postnatal Checks  Postnatal ChecksPostnatal Checks and  Blood PressureDischarge visit (Unless baby jaundiced)
Top to toe check of baby + feedingBaby check + feedingBaby check + feedingBaby weight (weight loss is normal)We will organise a further visit at day 14-17 if jaundice remains
Discuss care plan, what to expect and what is “normal”  Baby blood spot screening test 
Ensure you are aware of emergency phone numbers  Caesarean suture removal 
We will always offer more care if it is needed

Your community midwives are here to help. Please never hesitate to ask for help and advice.

No question is a silly question.