Maternity Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Labour Ward at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

The labour ward at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh is the largest in the Lothians: around 6000 babies are born here every year. The labour ward (also called obstetric unit) is run by a team of midwives, consultant obstetricians, maternity care assistants and clinical support workers who provide one-to-one care and support throughout your labour and in the early hours following the birth of your baby.


The labour ward Charge Midwife and all the ward staff look forward to supporting you throughout labour and at the birth of your baby.

What is a labour ward? (also called obstetric unit)

An obstetric unit means there is on-site access to specialist services such as obstetricians and operating theatres, as well as specialist neonatal and anaesthetic care. Midwives will provide the direct care to all women during their stay in the labour ward with access and support from medical staff around decision making and performing certain procedures.

The labour ward is often the place of birth recommended to women who have certain complications in their current and/or previous pregnancies and will require additional monitoring or support during labour. An onsite team of anaesthetists ensures that women who know they wish to have an epidural during labour will have access to this service.

 Giving birth on the labour ward is also recommended when it is known the baby will require additional support or care at birth.

What facilities does the labour ward at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh have?

  • There are thirteen birth rooms available. 
  • 2 of the birth rooms have a birthing pool.
  • The beds are fully adaptable with a choice of multiple positions.
  • All the rooms have ensuite facilities.
  • You will have access to birthing aids such as birthing balls, peanut balls and mats should you wish to use these. If you’d prefer to bring your own birthing ball, you are welcome to do so.
  • There is a full range of pain relief options available to you. Including; aromatherapy oils, gas and air (Entonox), morphine injection, remifentanil and epidural.
  • Each birth room has access to a full range of monitoring equipment for you and your baby during your labour and birth (if required).
  • There are two obstetrics operating theatres.
  • Should your baby require assistance at birth there is a resuscitaire in each room.

After your baby is born

  • After you have had your baby, you will spend the first few hours being cared for by the midwives in your room on the labour ward.
  • After that time, you and your baby will be transferred to the postnatal ward for ongoing care.
  • Dads and partners can stay on the postnatal ward to support the mother at all times, including overnight. However, it is important to know that meals are not provided for them and there are no beds or showering facilities for partners on the postnatal ward.
  • If your baby needs specialist care they will be looked after in the Neonatal Unit.

Useful to know

We will provide you with cool water and light snacks. You can also bring your own favourite snacks to sustain you during your labour.

Should your birth partner need food or drink, there is a small supermarket and a café open during daytime hours (in the main atrium of the hospital). There are also vending machines around the hospital.

Finding the Maternity Unit

If you are booked to have your baby at the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh and you think you are in labour or that your waters have gone please call Triage at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh:  0131 242 2657. You will be asked for your details and a brief account of your present situation and given advice as to what to do next.

Maternity Unit at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

51 Little France Crescent
EH16 4SA

Phone number for Triage:  0131 242 2657

The closest parking is 1G. It is possible to use the drop-off zone in front of Triage and then go and park the car in the car park. There is currently no charge for parking.

Postnatal Wards at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

You will be transferred to one of these wards after the birth of your baby.

Phone number for Ward 211 – 0131 242 2111
Phone number for Ward 119 – 0131 242 1194