Movement is so helpful for the progress of labour. The movement of the hips while walking helps guide the baby into the pelvis and the swaying of the hips encourages the baby into the best position for birth.
You may find that when you get in the birth pool, you will enjoy the feeling of the warm water and can find a comfortable position. Be guided by your own feelings and talk to your midwife. The water will probably work better for you if you wait until your cervix is at least 5 centimeters dilated before getting in the pool.
Warm water can help if your contractions are coming quite strongly and frequently, or your back is uncomfortable and you want to relieve a feeling of pressure. Partners can get in the pool with you if you wish.
The benefits of listening to music during labour and birth are:
• Familiar music helps you feel calm and in control
• Music can reduce anxiety and assist in pain relief
• Your music helps to make the labour room ‘your own’
• Music blocks out other distracting and unwanted sounds
• Music can help you to move & staying mobile can help your labour and birth
• Labour can be a long journey; having music to listen to can act as a welcome distraction