Your midwife will guide you through your pregnancy and along the way. Extra appointments will be provided if you need them.
This list of care during pregnancy tells you what you can expect from your midwife along the way as your baby grows and develops. At every appointment, the health and wellbeing of you and your baby will be assessed. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions at any time.
Who will be involved in my care?
Find out about some of the types of staff you may have contact with during your pregnancy and childbirth and after your baby is born
What tests will I have?
Information about screening tests in pregnancy
Booking Appointment 7-10 weeks
What is discussed?
- Programme of care and contact phone numbers for your midwife and hospital.
- Your medical and family history
- You will be given copies of ‘Ready, Steady, Baby’ and ‘Off to a Good Start’
- Your midwife will discuss where you want to have your baby
- Any concerns you may have
What will you be offered?
- Information and discussion about Down’s Syndrome/Spina Bifida screening
- A scan date to confirm your estimated due date
- Blood tests for blood group, antibodies, full blood count, iron levels, HIV test, Hepatitis B, Syphilis. You may be offered screening for diabetes if your midwife feels you are at risk of developing diabetes.
- Flu/Whooping Cough/Covid 19 Vaccine
- Urine test
- Alcohol assessment
- Carbon monoxide testing and advice if you smoke.
- Record blood pressure
What information will you be offered?
- Whooping cough leaflet
- Healthy Start information on vitamins and food vouchers
- Flu immunisation information (This is given seasonally between October and March)
- Healthy diet, Vitamin D and Folic Acid
- Carbon monoxide monitoring / smoking
- Dental exemption form FW8
11-13 weeks Scan
- Screening for Down’s Syndrome and Spina bifida will be offered
15-16 weeks
- Results from your booking scan and blood tests will be discussed
- If your blood type is rhesus negative, Anti D will be discussed
- You will be invited to Parent Education Sessions
- You will be offered a 20 week detailed scan
- Discuss baby’s movements and importance of seeking advice if concerned
- Health Visiting leaflet
- Discuss feeding plan
20 week detailed baby development scan
The purpose of this scan is to detect any physical abnormalities with your baby, although it is not 100% accurate.
22-25 weeks
- Contraception (for after your baby is born) will be discussed and leaflet given
- You will be given a MAT B1 form about maternity leave for your employer
- You will be offered an application form for your Baby Box
- Building a happy baby leaflet
28 weeks
- Blood tests will be offered
- If your blood type is rhesus negative, you will receive Anti D
- Whopping cough immunisation discussed
31-32 weeks
- Your health visitor will contact you to introduce herself and give you some information about this service
- Discuss contraception
- Discuss feeding and ‘Off to a Good Start’, (this discussion may happen at the next appointment)
32/34 weeks
- You will receive repeat blood tests if you are taking iron tablets
- Your choices for labour, birth, and care after birth will be discussed
- Discuss feeding choices
34-36 weeks
- Blood tests if required.
- Newborn screening test leaflet given
37-38 weeks
- Discuss birth choices and signs of labour, when to phone the hospital
- Discuss choices you will have if your baby is overdue
39-40 weeks
- Further discussion of choices you will have if your baby is overdue
- Your midwife will discuss induction of labour or arrange monitoring
- Induction of labour leaflet given