Please call this number if you need urgent care:
Triage: 0131 242 2657 (24 hours)
Please remember to call 999 in an emergency
NHS 24 can also be contacted 24/7 on 111
Other useful phone numbers for support and advice:
National Breastfeeding Helpline 0300 100 0212 – 9.30am – 9.30pm
Edinburgh Mental Health Crisis Centre 0808 801 0414 – 24hr service
In the care of your Community Midwife
The first 10 days at home
Congratulations on the birth of your baby!

When you are discharged home, your community Midwife will receive an email and she will visit you at home the next day.
You will continue to have visits at home from your community Midwife until your baby is 10 days old. These visits may not be every day if you and your baby are well.
We recommend the following websites for advice you can trust and up-to-date information about your first days at home with your baby:
Parent Club – For Baby Box And All Your Parenting Needs
Eating Well resources — First Steps Nutrition Trust
To find out more about what your midwifery care will be like go to ‘Midwifery Care’.
In the care of your Health Visitor
From day 10 at home

Your Health Visitor will make contact with you and arrange to visit when your baby is between 11 and 14 days old. They will discuss and plan their visits with you depending on your circumstances
We recommend the following websites for advice you can trust and up-to-date information about the first weeks at home with your baby:
Parent Club – For Baby Box And All Your Parenting Needs
Eating Well resources — First Steps Nutrition Trust
To find out more about what your care from the health visiting team will be like go to ‘Health Visiting Care’