New Baby!
I have had my baby – what happens next?

Just after the birth, your midwife will dry your baby and place them on your tummy for skin-to-skin contact.
This first contact is a lovely way to say hello and to start to get to know each other.
Here you will find what you need to know about what happens after you have had your baby.
I have had my baby – What happens Next?
What to expect following the birth of your baby, resources on feeding, information about our postnatal wards and returning home with your baby.
Baby’s First Few Hours
The first few hours of a baby’s life are very important for starting to form an attachment with their parents.
Staying in Hospital: NHS Lothian Postnatal Wards – FAQs & Top Tips
Some of the more common questions asked by new mothers.
What happens if my baby gets taken to the Special Care Unit or the Neonatal Unit?
If your baby needs special care they may be cared for at the Special Care Unit at St John’s in Livingston or the Neonatal Unit at the Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health.
Post birth stay at the Royal Infirmary
Information about our postnatal wards
Care at Home
When you are discharged home, your community Midwife will receive an email and will visit the next day.
First Weeks With Your Baby
Everything you need to know about this special time.
Feeding Your Baby
However you choose to feed your baby, we are here to support you and give your baby the best start in life.