There are many organisations and charities in the Lothian region which provide a wide range of support to parents and families.

You can look for local organisations and how to access their support in the following directories:
Directory of perinatal mental health support in Lothian:
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Service Directory – Inspiring Scotland
Directories of perinatal mental health support by locality:
- iThrive | Edinburgh Mental Health and Wellbeing (
- Midspace | Mental Health and Wellbeing Midlothian
- Eastspace | Mental Health and Wellbeing East Lothian
- West Space | Mental Health and Wellbeing West Lothian
Across Edinburgh and the Lothians
Circle Scotland

Circle Scotland is a registered charity working at the heart of communities across central Scotland. We currently deliver projects in Edinburgh, East & West Lothian. We work with families facing multiple disadvantages because of inequality, poverty, drug and alcohol use, imprisonment, physical or mental health, trauma, abuse, and loss.
At the heart of Circle’s approach are the relationships, based on trust, openness, and honesty that we build with families. Our model is rooted in a belief that families are best placed to provide their own solutions to the challenges they face.
How to access our services: the Circle Scotland website gives direct phone numbers for each of the services in each area.
Families can self-refer or we accept referral on their behalf from any other agency with the family agreement.
Contact Children 1st for referral form and more information on 0131 446 2300 or email

BLISS supports parents of babies born premature or sick. We understand that the experience of being on a neonatal unit can be incredibly overwhelming and stressful. Our trained staff are here to listen to your concerns and help you find the information you need. We offer support at all stages of your journey via email or via video call and also in-person in some neonatal units.
How to access our services: You can email us at or for more information on setting up a video call or in-person support you can visit the emotional and practical support pages on our website.
Aberlour Perinatal Befriending Support Lothian

Aberlour Perinatal Befriending Support Lothian offers emotional support to families with babies born at 34 weeks or later who have received care from the Neonatal Unit at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. We are here to support parents during pregnancy and up to their child’s first birthday. We can provide support in the hospital, community or at home depending on the family’s situation and preferences.
We have been successfully running this service in East Lothian for a number of years and we are now expanding into other areas of Lothian including EH4, EH5 and EH6 areas.
We match parents with dedicated, trained volunteer befrienders to provide wellbeing support on a weekly basis. Support can be provided in-person, by phone or digitally. We also provide support to access community services and help increase social connections. In addition, our Perinatal Connections app offers a safe, facilitated space for new and expectant mothers to connect with each other and access information and resources whenever they wish.
How to access our services:
Please contact Clare Cook, Service Manager, Aberlour Perinatal Befriending Service.

CrossReach is a Perinatal Counselling Service. This means we see parents for counselling who are anxious, depressed and have other feelings in relation to having a baby both prenatally and postnatal. We have experienced perinatal counsellors and therapists. Our counsellors and therapist have all completed online training and so we are able to offer:
- Video and phone counselling and also face to face counselling.
- Individual counselling
- Group therapy
- Group Art Therapy
- A 10-week Group Managing Perinatal Anxiety with self-compassion
- A prenatal counselling group.
Along with counselling we offer Infant Massage by a practitioner trained with the International Association of Infant Massage.
How to access our services: As long as you are pregnant or have a child under 2 years of age you can self-refer to our service. To contact us, email or call 01315387288, or visit the CrossReach website at
Held in Our Hearts

Held in Our Hearts are an Edinburgh based charity providing baby loss counselling and support to families who have suffered pregnancy loss or the death of a baby or young child. Our counsellors guide bereaved parents through the grieving process and our peer supporters give compassionate and flexible care in person, on zoom, by text or email and by telephone. Our peer supporters are all bereaved parents.
Our aim is to offer the best possible individualised support to families at all times. Families can self-refer or someone can refer on their behalf and our specialist and bespoke pregnancy and baby loss counselling is free and available for up to 18 months.
Phone 0131 622 6263

Sands, the UK-wide baby loss charity, is determined to support anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby and carries out vital work to improve maternity safety through targeted research, campaigning for change, working with the government and reducing inequalities in healthcare to save babies’ lives. For more than 40 years, Sands has been there for anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss to offer understanding and comfort through its freephone helpline, mobile app, online community and resources, also available in a choice of languages and formats. There are not any in-person support group in Lothian at the moment but support is available in many other ways.
Support for siblings is available. This page aims to offer parents some helpful resources to begin conversations with siblings of all ages, as well a suggest activities for children to remember their baby brother or sister and express how they feel.
In addition, further support and safe spaces have been created for specific groups such as men and those from black and South Asian communities.
In the City of Edinburgh
Juno Perinatal Mental Health Support

Juno Perinatal Mental Health Supportis based in Edinburgh and offer peer support groups for mums in the perinatal period (throughout pregnancy and until your baby is around 2 years old).
How to access our services: Please email
Home-Start Edinburgh

Home-Start Edinburgh is a volunteer-led family support service that provides emotional and practical support to families with a child under 5 – “because childhood can’t wait”. We have a variety of groups including the Parents Early Education Partnership programme (PEEP), baby massage and play sessions, as well as a one-to-one home visiting service.
How to access our services: Families can contact us directly by phone on 0131 553 7819 or be referred by their GP or midwife.
Kin Collective Edinburgh

Kin Collective | Edinburgh welcome parents and families from anywhere in Edinburgh. In addition to our groups and activities at our Family Wellbeing Hub located in Leith, we offer peer support to help connect parents together and build a parenting community to improve confidence and reduce isolation. Our purpose is to improve mental health and wellbeing for parents from pregnancy into parenthood. We offer play sessions to promote parent-infant attachment, sling meets and we have lending kits, including cloth nappies.
How to access our services: We accept referrals from health professionals and third sector organisations along with self-referrals from parents who can contact us directly. Get in touch with us by emailing
Pregnancy Care and Counselling

Pregnancy Care and Counselling (Scotland) is an Edinburgh-based charity supporting people with pregnancy-related challenges. This is done through two services: material aid through the baby bank and free professional counselling for those struggling with infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy or parenthood.
How to access our services: you can fill out a service request form online or you can be referred by a health professional.
MCFB – Multi Cultural Family Base

MCFB – Multi Cultural Family Base offer support to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families in the City of Edinburgh for vulnerable infants and young children up to the age of 3. We support parent-infant attachment through play, therapeutic relationship, and advocacy/practical support when needed. The work can take place at home or within one of our supported Early Years groups, one of which is delivered in both Mandarin and English.
How to access our services: Families can contact us directly or be referred by health professionals or statutory and voluntary agencies. You can email us at or phone us on 0131 467 7052
Rainbow Families – LGBT Health and Wellbeing

Rainbow Families – LGBT Health and Wellbeing offer a programme of events and social opportunities for LGBTQ+ people living in and travelling to Edinburgh. These events range from small workshops, classes and community discussions, to large social activities like roller discos, swimming parties and community celebrations.
As part of this programme, we host events and activities for LGBTQ+ families, including new parents and those who are waiting for or expecting children. These events (and our whole programme) give LGBTQ+ people an opportunity to connect with their community, meet and make friends, build their social and support networks, grow their self-confidence and pride in who they are.
How to access our services: You can follow us on facebook or visit the Rainbow Families website
Dads Rock

Dads Rock offer one-to-one peer support for dads during pregnancy and after the birth. If you are experiencing anxiety or depression, having difficulty bonding with your baby, struggling with relationships or feeling isolated, you could get emotional support from one of our highly trained peer supporters.
How to access our services: You can contact us on 07754 616254
Home Link Family Support

Home Link Family Support offer a wide range of Early Years home visiting services that complement the offer of 1140 hours.
These include:
Early Years Family Support Service
Who is it for?
Families in Edinburgh with children under 5, experiencing some form of difficulty.
What do we offer?
We offer support to families who may need a bit more guidance with regards to family routines, early learning, family relationships, play and emotional well-being. We can also help you to access local groups or put you in touch with other support services within your community.
What to expect?
Regular home visiting from a family support worker, for up to a year.
Support tailored to the family’s needs and personalised goals.
Early Years Stay and Play Groups
We offer groups in the following areas:
Moredun – Wednesdays from 11:00-12:30pm at Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre
Westerhailes- Fridays 10:00-11:30am at the library- PEEP
Granton- Wednesday’s 10:00-11:30am Granton Church
Call the office for more information 0131 661 0890
Parents can drop in with their children under 5 for free play, arts and crafts, signing, stories
and toys. Tea and coffee and children’s snacks provided.
No need to book and no cost to attend.
Antenatal Support Services
Who is it for?
Expectant families or families who have had a baby in the last 8 weeks who could benefit from some extra support. Families can refer themselves or can be referred by any professionals working with them eg: midwives, Health Visitors, Social Workers, Early Years Workers, GP’s and so on.
What do we offer?
We will work with you to make a plan to build on strengths and identify areas where support would help. This might include building confidence in parenting or to go out and about in your community, accessing other supports around housing or benefits issues, or helping you to attend appointments or meetings. We can work with the whole family or just
one parent, whatever the family identifies as a need.
Family Volunteer Service
Who is it for?
Anyone in South Edinburgh who has at least one child under 5, or expecting a baby. We can provide a friendly non-judgemental person to help you at home for a couple of hours a week.
What to expect?
A Co-ordinator will visit you first to explain our service and ask you about the kind of help you need. When you are matched with a Volunteer, they will usually visit you at home once a week for a couple of hours, for up to 6 months to 1 year. You can decide what you want the Volunteer to help you with.
How to access our services?
Call: General enquiries 0131 661 0890
Referral forms are available on our website.
North Edinburgh – Stepping Stones North Edinburgh

Stepping Stones North Edinburghis an organisation that supports the wellbeing of families from pregnancy through to the primary school years. Bump Start is our service which specifically supports pregnant women, birthing people and their families, offering both one-to-one support and group work.
How to access our services: Call us on 0131 551 1632 or email us –
North Edinburgh – Women Supporting Women

Women Supporting Women ( Pilton Community Health Project)
We believe in equality, wellbeing and belonging for all in our communities. We offer a variety of activities ranging from chat café, knitting group, outdoor play, gardening, cooking and eating together. Our main aim for all of our work is to build confidence and reduce isolation.
Our mission is to support and enable local people to improve their own health and create a healthy community and environment.
Most of our community keep connected with what we’re up to via our Facebook page:
How to access our services: Women can be signposted to us or can self-refer and they can drop in to most groups (although they do need to register for some activities).
You can email us at or phone 0131 551 1671
Please note: our funding dictates that we offer support to women within strict boundaries of North small which is Muirhouse, Drylaw, Pilton, Granton, Royston and Wardieburn. So, if you are signposting any women to us, please make sure they live within these boundaries.
Leith – Dr Bell’s Family Centre

Dr Bell’s Family Centre – Supporting Families in Leith
Dr Bell’s Family Centre is a family and community centre, based in the heart of Leith, Edinburgh. We work with families from pregnancy to the child’s fourth birthday. We offer a variety of services to help support the parents and young families of Leith. Our programme of activities is created in partnership with our families and adapts to the changing needs of the community to ensure we give their little ones the best start in life. To view our full weekly programme with details on each activity and how to access, have a look at the Dr Bell’s website.
How to access our services: Get in touch with us by emailing or calling us on 0131 553 0100.
In Midlothian
Midlothian Sure Start

Midlothian Sure Startoffer community-based parent and infant services for Midlothian from pre-birth to 3rd birthday.
We offer our early intervention programme ‘A Good Start’ across Midlothian. This is an 8-week programme, held in small groups of 6-8, in the local community. It offers baby massage, information on sleep, infant weaning, early brain development, play time and peer support.
Open Kindergarten is offered across Midlothian and is a weekly drop-in playgroup. We provide lots of information and various activities depending on who comes along.
We work with Dads and Mums in pregnancy. We offer Dads2B courses and for expectant mums we work together to discuss the most appropriate care and support plan from our services.
How to access our services: our services can be accessed by anyone by booking through Eventbrite or by referral, including self-referral, for our 1:1 intensive service. Please email us for more information at
Home Link Family Support

Home Link Family Support offer a wide range of Early Years home visiting services that complement the offer of 1140 hours.
These include:
Early Years Family Practitioner
Who is it for?
The Early Years Family Practitioner works in partnership with children and families.
What do we offer?
This service offers confidential home visiting family support, family learning opportunities in the home and/or group activities. We promote family wellbeing and can provide support plans tailored to the family’s individual identified needs.
Early Years Stay and Play Groups
Check our website for times and location.
Parents can drop in with their children under 5 for free play, arts and crafts, signing, stories and toys.
No need to book and no cost to attend.
Midlothian Systemic Family Counselling Service
Who is it for?
Inter-generational domestic groupings who think of themselves as a family unit. There must be a child under the age of 12 years old within the family.
What do we offer?
We offer support with building relationships and communication within the family unit. We are also able to help you create positive changes within the home environment.
What to expect?
The Systemic Family Counselling service helps families to make the positive changes they want to make, especially with regards to their communication and relationships. This is done by trying to help families to understand themselves better and reflect on their needs.
Midlothian Young Parents Support Service
Who is it for?
This service is for parents in Midlothian under 25 years of age who have a child aged 3 or under.
Family Opportunities Worker
Who is it for?
Families in Midlothian with children under 5 living in significant financial hardship or poverty.
What do we offer?
Support to organise and attend appointments with CAB, housing, Changeworks, Midlothian Sure Start, benefit assessments, and Job Centre. Referrals to Foodbank, Kids Love Clothes and Children in Need Emergency Essentials. Referral on to Volunteer Support Service if requested.
What to expect?
The Family Opportunities worker will visit the family at home and discuss any financial concerns, and support the family to attend appointments to address these concerns.
Art therapy
Who is it for?
Children under 12
What is Art Therapy?
❖ Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art media as its primary mode of communication.
❖ The aim of art therapy is to effect change and growth on a personal level through the use of art materials in a safe and facilitating environment.
❖ Art therapy is a three-way process that focuses on the use of art materials and the relationship between the therapist and the client.
❖ Art therapy can be used for groups or individuals depending on the specific need.
❖ Art therapy is not dependent on spoken language and can therefore be helpful to anyone who finds it difficult to express their thoughts and feelings verbally.
How to access any of the Early Year’s Services?
General enquiries call 0131 661 0890 or email
Referral forms are available on the website
In East Lothian
Midlothian Sure Start

Midlothian Sure Start also run free baby massage classes in East Lothian (Tranent and Prestonpans). A Good Start offers group sessions that last 1 to 1½ hours. To book A Good Start course go to the Eventbrite link on this page:
A Good Start: Supporting Families with Children 0-2 Years
A Good Start is an 8-week programme, held in small groups of 6-8, in the local community. It offers baby massage, information on sleep, infant weaning, early brain development, play time and peer support.
How to access our services: our services can be accessed by anyone by booking through Eventbrite. Please email us for more information at
Home Start East Lothian

Home-Start East Lothian is a volunteer befriending service that offers both one-to-one and group support to families, who have at least one child under five years, across the entire East Lothian area. Our trained and skilled volunteers support parents in their own environment without judgement. This support can be both practical and/or emotional and lasts for around one year.
Come and meet other parents in our various groups that run weekly in Dunbar, Tranent and Haddington. We also have a support group for parents of twins (or more) that meets in Haddington. Come for a chat, share experiences and make new friends.
How to access our services: You can phone us on 01875 616 066 or email us at
In West Lothian
Home Start West Lothian

Home-Start West Lothian offer support, friendship and practical help to parents with young children, in communities throughout West Lothian. We offer a unique service, recruiting and training volunteers – who are usually parents themselves – to visit families at home who have at least one child under 5 to offer informal, friendly and confidential support.
How to access our services: To speak to one of our team, please contact us by calling us on 01506 415755 or emailing us at

Kidzeco is a social enterprise based in West Lothian with shops in both Bathgate and Livingston, as well as a fun-filled community space and café, Kidz’ n Kin, also based in Livingston. We were born in 2010 and originally set up for families who want to buy high quality preloved children’s clothes, toys and equipment at an affordable price.
In addition to our shops we now have several projects designed to help you and your little one’s live the happiest, healthiest lives possible.
These include: Bumpz’n Buggy walks, Bumpz to Babiez cafe, Wean the Weanz, Kitchin Kin, Fivez for Fridayz, Weigh & Go drop in clinic with health care providers, Dadz Time and Breastfeeding Peer-support.
Check out the Kidz’n Kin weekly programme of activities: Kidzeco in the Community | Facebook
If you want to find more about what we do just ask our fantastic Kidzeco team who are always happy to help!

Our service offers support to families affected by substance use, from pregnancy booking to two years postnatal. This support is offered in collaboration with key partners in adult addiction, maternity, neonatal and children & families services. We provide help and support with: preparation for the birth of baby, attendance of antenatal classes, care of the new-born baby, support with breast feeding and weaning, and promoting parent/infant bonding.
The Family Outreach Worker will support each person or family according to their own circumstances and can offer help in many ways: substance use/recovery, mother-infant attachment, parental mental health, father/couple relationship support, and kinship carer/wider family social support.
Contact: Eilidh Scott, Pregnancy & Postnatal Family Outreach Worker
Tel: 07703 714769