The MVP Lay Chair was nominated for the Voluntary Service Award and was one of the three short-listed finalists.

Here is what Mathilde Peace, MVP Lay Chair, had to say about her nomination:
It was a great privilege to be invited to the NHS Lothian Celebrating Success awards night, having been short-listed for the Voluntary Service Award.
Even though I did not get the final prize, it was wonderful to be part of this joyful celebration of so many extraordinary individuals (and teams) who give so much of themselves and make a huge difference to people’s health and lives.
I am very grateful to NHS Lothian Public Involvement Manager and the Director of Midwifery, who kindly put my name forward and to everyone who sent their best wishes.
I am particularly pleased that this nomination contributed to highlight the indispensable work that the Maternity Voices Partnership does. I think it was a lovely way to recognise the commitment and dedication of each one of the MVP members.