Maternity Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Looking After Myself and My Growing Baby

Your Guide to looking after yourself and your growing baby

Here is some information about looking after your body throughout pregnancy


Foods to maintain a healthy diet and foods to avoid

Alchohol and Smoking

Support for making healthy choices about alcohol and smoking


All types of drug will have an effect on you and your baby during pregnancy

Physical Activity

Learn about what exercise you can do whilst pregnant

Vaccinations and Infections

Important information about vaccines in pregnancy

Reducing the Risk of Stillbirth

Helping and guiding you through actions you can take

Bonding with Baby

You can bond with your baby before you give birth!

Ready, Steady, Baby!

A wonderful resource which guides you through your pregnancy journey

Mental Health During Pregnancy

There is no normal way to feel during pregnancy. Everyone is different. While pregnancy is a joyful time for many, sometimes it can be stressful and difficult. If you are feeling mentally unwell, you don’t need to go through these problems on your own.