Your baby will benefit if you take folic acid supplements before you get pregnant and in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.
Eating a balance and varied diet is the best way to keep healthy and help your baby grow and develop. For more information on a healthy diet during pregnancy, see Ready, Steady, Baby information on diet.
To get an idea of the amounts of different foods to eat to maintain a healthy diet in pregnancy or any phase of life, see the Eatwell guide.
Healthy Start vouchers are available to help you pay for a fruit, veg, milk, infant formula and vitamins.
We recommend the First Step Nutrition resources which give you information on eating well during pregnancy, infant and early years healthy eating.
Pelvic floor exercises
Pelvic floor muscles are important because they help prevent you from leaking a few drops of urine when you cough, laugh or run. Remember you can do pelvic floor exercises anywhere and no one will notice! You should aim to do them several times a day. To read more about how to do the exercises, see Ready, Steady, Baby pages on pelvic floor exercises.
Moderate physical activity is good for you, is usually safe, and does not harm your baby. For more information , see Ready, Steady, Baby information on exercise.