NHS Lothian Maternity Voices partnership spoke to women who had had an induction. This is what they said:
I was really tired of being pregnant after 1 week past my due date and my midwife referred me for induction. When we went in for it the midwife at the induction ward suggested I wait another couple of days to see if I’d go into labour spontaneously. I am happy this midwife insisted that we wait so that my body could be more ready. I think it helped me go into labour quite quickly.
Since I was low risk, I was able to go home once the balloon (method for induction: cervical ripening balloon) was inserted. I was then called back the next morning to let me know that a room had freed up in labour ward and to go there directly. That was really efficient because I had been warned at the induction ward when the balloon was inserted that the process might be delayed if we had to wait for a room in labour ward. We never had to, which was great.
I had an outpatient induction arranged by my midwife (it means you can go home until labour starts). I thought the outpatient induction was really good and it was nice to be in the comforts of my own home, especially with it being at the height of Covid and meant I wouldn’t have been alone as well. If I ever needed an induction again in the future, I would ask for this. I’m not sure on the reasons I was offered an outpatient induction, but I was a low-risk pregnancy and live fairly close to the hospital.
At 38- and 39-week appointments I saw my midwife for a sweep however both times this was unsuccessful therefore at 39+2d I had a Cooks balloon (method of induction: cervical ripening balloon) inserted at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. I was comfortable after the procedure so was sent home until the following day however after a few hours I started having contractions and around 7 hours after the balloon was inserted it fell out and therefore, I returned to the hospital that evening and it was then confirmed that I was ready to have my waters broken and be administered synthetic oxytocin (hormone drip) to progress the labour. I had my daughter early the following morning.