All About Birth
All you need to know about giving birth in Lothian.

Your hormones are preparing your body and your baby for the transition from the womb to the outside world.
It’s nearly time to welcome your baby into the world.
Here you will find what you need to know about what happens during labour and birth.
All About Birth
These pages are designed to help you tell if you’re in labour, find out how to get ready for the birth including making a birth plan and what happens during labour and birth.
Where do I want to give birth?
Deciding where you want to give birth is an important decision.
Who to Contact if you think you are in Labour
If you think you are in labour or think your waters have broken.
What might Help Me in Labour?
Things to help the progress of labour whilst keeping you feeling calm and in control.
Types of birth
Information on the various types of birth.
Practical Information
Hospital phone numbers, parking, visiting, wifi, etc.
Parent Education – Labour & Delivery
More help information and tips.
Pain Relief
There are lots of types of pain relief available to you.