This page provides information about various job roles, career opportunities and progression in Health and Social Care.
This information is for guide purposes only to give you an overview about the sector and the skills required.

How to use this resource:
This resource has been designed for both managers and staff.
There are many ways this resource may be used, below are a couple of suggestions,
Staff – Existing or Prospective
To understand some of the different roles in Health and Social care, including what skills and qualities are required to undertake the roles
- To apply for jobs
- To plan career progression
- For professional development
- For Continuous Professional Learning
- To understand different roles in the sector
- As part of ongoing personal development sessions or annual reviews
- As a tool for supervision
- As part of recruitment campaigns
- As part of career conversations
More detailed suggestions about how to use the resource can be found on the Career Pathways User Guide
These three videos give you a sense about what it’s like to work in a variety of services

(also known as Residential Care Homes)
(also known as Nursing Homes)

Interested in seeing more?
Click on the different buttons below to open role descriptions, including information about:
- Outline of role
- Benefits of role
- Personal qualities and skills – why you would be good in the role
- Qualifications required to undertake role

The information for each sector is colour coded to help you navigate the pathway
- RED – Care Home
- YELLOW – Care at Home Services
If you’re interested in applying for any of these roles you will find information on these websites:
For NHS Jobs please visit please visit NHSScotland Jobs,
For Social Care Jobs visit myjobscotlandand Find a Job DWP
or Care Home or Care at Home providers directly for more information.
Good Luck!
Any questions or suggestions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Lothian Care Academy