This users guide page has been developed to support the use of the Career Pathway opens a new window
Managers, existing staff and prospective staff, can use the career pathway resource, which includes videos and role descriptions, to explore some of the different roles available across health and social care.
Further detailed suggestions on how to use the resource can be found below.
Interested in a career in Health and Social Care?
We know that there are lots of roles out there, but the career pathway resources give some sense of what working in health and social care could be like.
Each role description can be accessed by clicking on the icon. There you will find a list of personal qualities that would be useful for the role alongside information on the qualifications or skills required.

Please use this information to have a think about what skills you already have and what you might need to develop. You might be surprised at how many skills you already have !

Top Tip – More detailed information about specific posts will be provided in job adverts and applications packs – look out for ‘Job/Role description’ and ‘Person Specification’ information when applying.
For prospective staff, we hope this is useful in finding out about all the fantastic roles available throughout health and social care. The sector is full of fun, diverse, and exciting roles!
Existing Staff
Existing staff can use this resource to find out more about different roles available across health and social care.
You can use this resource, including the videos, to find out more about roles or use them as a discussion point with your manager if you’re wishing to progress.

Each role description can be accessed by clicking on the icon. There you will find a list of personal qualities that would be useful for the role alongside information on the qualifications or skills required.
If you’re looking to progress to another role, you can use the information in the role descriptions, to have a think about what skills and personal qualities you already have and what you might need to develop.
The role descriptions can be printed off or downloaded. You can bring ones you are interested in to supervision sessions or development meetings with your supervisor or manager to discuss in more detail.
Top tip – It is useful to have a think in advance of these meetings on what skills you already have, and what you might need to develop. This will help you and your manager to have a productive conversation about what your next steps might be

The career pathway website has been designed as a broad overview of the different roles that are available across Lothian, so doesn’t include specific role descriptions, if you’re interested in specific opportunities, please look at job adverts.
This resource has been developed to use at your discretion.
In designing, the team envisioned managers using this as part of ongoing personal development sessions or annual reviews.
We know that each care home or care at home service might have different progressions, but this tool helps to standardise what progression could look like across the sector.
Use as a recruitment tool
One of the main challenges we hear is the myth about a lack of career progression in health and social care. This has been one of the main drivers in creating this resource as we know there are lots of roles and progression opportunities available.

Each of the online roles can be downloaded and printed so can be used as part of recruitment campaigns or conversations with staff to highlight the multiple routes and options available.
What additional support is available for staff to progress through these careers?
The Lothian Care Academy also offers education and training which can be found online. We also signpost different training that is suitable for staff at a variety of levels. Training can be used to support staff to progress in their careers, as well as for CPL. Please visit the evolving training directory for further information (link)
Why has this been created?
We know it can sometimes be difficult to understand the variety of careers available throughout health and social care and after speaking with key staff and stakeholders, we created the Lothian Care Academy career pathways page. We know that this is just the first step and hope to expand the career pathways page in the coming year
We know that you might have further questions, so if you would like to add anything else please email Loth.CareAcademy@nhs.scot