Occupational Health (Commercial) NHS Lothian | Our Services

Medical Referrals

It is possible that at some point your employees may suffer from a serious medical condition that keeps them absent from work for an extended time. This can be a difficult situation for any manager to handle as it can affect not only the work getting done on a day to day basis, but may impact on other members of staff.

Whether the matter is work related or not, understanding the medical issues at play behind such problems can be difficult. Our medical advisers have years of training and experience to help them with such situations and can act as a third party, handling confidential medical information and assessing the employee’s health, only feeding through to you the information that you need to run your company effectively.

A common problem faced by employers is how to help an employee who has been absent from work for a long time. Not only is it helpful to have an idea of when they may return to work, but what changes or adjustments you can make to help the return to work easier for them. Our doctors will also help you plan a phased return to work for your employee, ensuring that they are gradually reintroduced to work in a suitable way, with appropriate support, helping them to become established in their routine and less likely to need more time off afterwards.

Occupational Health Physicians are accustomed to difficult situations and can take the information presented by the employee, from your own management and Human Resources staff to get a complete idea of the problem, seeking reports when required from other healthcare professionals (GPs, Specialists, Consultants etc.) who may be involved in the employee’s care.

Should it transpire that work has affected someone’s health, our experts will help not only with the employee who is currently unwell, but make you aware of practices and adaptations that could prevent further employees from suffering from the same problem in the future. Advice also can be given as to whether the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act (1995)) is applicable and appropriate recommendations made.

If required, a Case Conference can be organised in order for management and/or HR to meet with the Occupational Health Physician to discuss the employee’s case.

It is always our goal to find the best solution for you and your employees, providing help and guidance throughout.

Guidance For Employees
Guidance For Managers

For a referral form please contact us