Occupational Health (Commercial) NHS Lothian | Our Services

Blood for Storage

Blood for Storage Procedure

Having a sample of your blood for storage is strongly recommended within 72 hours of the incident. This can be carried out at ward level or by Occupational Health on the next working day (M-F 8-4) as long as this is within the 72 hours.

Sampling on the Ward

You should use a brown cap serum gel tube and a virology request form (please print off the PDF version in documents on the intranet page or pre-printed one from your local ward area). 

Please ensure you write OH NHS Lothian in the top right section of the form. 

Please tick the box next to ‘other’ and write Blood for Storage.

The specimen and form should be sent to virology at the RIE.

Please handwrite the forms, labels are not required 

*** You do not need to include your CHI but date of birth is mandatory ***

Virology Request Form