The Heart Manual NHS Lothian | Our Services

HM Facilitator Area

Welcome to your Heart Manual Facilitator Area

Here you will find relevant updates, documents and resources to support you in your role as a Heart Manual facilitator. These are regularly updated to be in line with current evidence and developments within the Heart Manual. Please note that the content of these pages are for your use only; as per our terms and conditions. If you have any difficulties in accessing any of these documents then please do get in touch and we will be delighted to help. ​

Information for New Facilitators:

You will find all relevant training day information and resources within the ‘Training Pack’ page. Please access this in advance of your Heart Manual training.

Information for Existing Facilitators:

  • You can now access the facilitator training folder and quarterly literature updates within the ‘Facilitator Handbook’. We are currently in the process of reviewing the facilitator training folder. Please check back regularly for more updates.
  • You can find information on all updates made to the Heart Manual programmes on the ‘Manual Updates’ page.
  • You can access news updates relating to cardiac rehabilitation on the ‘News Updates’ page.

Facilitating the Digital Heart Manual Resources

If you are looking for guidance on how to facilitate the Digital Heart Manual in your service, please see the document – ‘Using D-HM Quick Guide’ below. You may also wish to book onto our ‘Digital Reboot’ training, please call or email our admin team for more details.

Additional Facilitator Resources

For further information relating to training, or ordering Heart Manuals please contact our office on 0131 537 9127 or via email – heart.manual@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk