The Heart Manual NHS Lothian | Our Services

REACH-HF Facilitator Area

REACH-HF Facilitator Training Day Pack

Welcome to the REACH-HF Training information and resources.

You will now have received your e-mail confirming attendance on the REACH-HF Training course. Please read the following course instructions carefully and ensure you have the relevant resources available to support you on the day(s).

Please note that the content of these pages are for your use only; as per our terms and conditions. If you have any difficulties in accessing any of these documents then please do get in touch and we will be delighted to help. ​


Training will be delivered remotely over 2 days from 9.00am-4.30pm via Microsoft Teams. You will receive an invitation to join the session nearer the date. There will be breaks for coffee and lunch.

Prior to training, you should have received the following:

  • Heart Failure Manual which includes the Friends and Family resource, the Progress Tracker and a Relaxation CD. The latter can also be accessed via the following audio link https://www.heartmanual.scot.nhs.uk/heartfailure.
  • There is a Chair-Based exercise (CBE) section accessed via https://www.reachhf.co.uk. Click on the “Exercise Videos” link and use the password: Exercisevideos1 when prompted. For both links please use Chrome, Safari or Firefox.
  • Participants are requested to thoroughly familiarise themselves with all the above contents prior to the course and are asked to bring the manual, training pack & slides on the 2 training days.
  • Professor Patrick Doherty has also recommended that you take a look at this link: https://upotv.upo.es/video/5a72df02238583bd408b456a regarding the Incremental Shuttle Walk Test prior to the training.

Training Resources:

  • Welcome slides
  • REACH-HFpEF Trial Introduction and FAQ.pdf
  • 6 Minute Walk Test Distance Conversion Table
  • REACH-HF Exercise Prescription Summary

For colleagues who are joining as part of the funded NHS England project:

It may be helpful to print the following resources for use on the day(s) of training.

Following completion of the course, a certificate will be sent to you plus your Heart Failure manual order to the address provided.

Training Evaluations

We would also like you to complete a pre and post-course training needs analysis and training day evaluations. Please take the time to complete these as they help us refine and deliver the best training possible.

Pre-Training Needs Questionnaire

Prior to attending training, please complete the pre training needs questionnaire. You can access this using the following link: https://nhslothiansurveys.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/reachpretna

Evaluation Forms

After each training day, please complete a brief evaluation form which will take approximately five minutes to complete. You can access each online using the links below.

Day 1 Evaluation Form: https://nhslothiansurveys.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/reachday1
Day 2 Evaluation Form: https://nhslothiansurveys.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/reachday2

We hope that you enjoy the 2 days and if you require any further information or have any special requirements
which we may be able to assist you with, please contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Heart Manual Department within REACH-HF