The Heart Manual NHS Lothian | Our Services

Frequently Asked Questions

1.Are there set up costs (and annual charges) which our health board /hospital will have to pay in order to use the Digital Heart Manuals?No. Most definitely not. There are no set up costs or annual charges. 
2.How much do the Digital Heart Manuals cost per patient?Our Digital Heart Manuals start at £28 per copy.
3.How do I go about getting the Digital Heart Manuals?The same way you would order the book format. Call the HM office on 0131 537 9137 or email: heart.manual@nhs.scot and we will provide you with individual patient logins for the amount you require.
2.Can the Digital Heart Manuals be used on a SMART phone?Yes – it can be used on a SMART phone, however as the HM is an interactive tool, most people will find it easier to complete it on larger screen.
3.How does the patient get started on it?They will be provided with a personal login from their facilitator, and from there they can get started. We provide written instructions to ensure the logon procedure is all very straightforward.
4.We don’t have Wi-Fi in our hospital (yet)-can I use it?Yes. Depending on what is easiest for you, you can introduce the programme with either a copy of the book format or our show reel. You can then provide them with a login and they can begin the programme at home when they are ready.
5.How do I facilitate Digital Heart Manuals with the patient?In the same way as the book format of the manual. With the patients consent, the facilitator can review the patients’ input remotely by logging on to the resource. This will make facilitation using telephone (if desired) much easier.
6.How long can the patient have access to their Digital Heart Manual?One year-which means that similar to the book format, they can dip in/out of it.
7.Are the Digital Heart Manuals compatible with most computer systems?Yes. We have made sure that the format is compatible with NHS IT systems and most systems at home including desk computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones. We advise that users at home keep their general software up to date using free updates available to them.
8.What if we incur problems?Please get in touch with the office if at any point you have a query or need support with the Digital Heart Manuals.