Lothian Stroke MCN NHS Lothian | Our Services

STARs (Stroke Training and Awareness Resources)

This project has developed an e-learning resource, comprising core and advancing modules, which provides a learning tool for health care and social care professionals to enable them to become more knowledgeable about stroke. The resource is available to all health care and social care professionals through a dedicated website and via links from other designated sources. This website is also available to the public and has a particular component to support carers of people with stroke (stroke4carers).

In December 2012 a further six new advancing modules were added, covering:

  1. Stroke service improvement
  2. Vision following stroke
  3. Communication following stroke
  4. Pain management following acute stroke
  5. Self management in stroke care
  6. End of life care in acute stroke

Another two modules have since been published:

  • Reducing the risk of venous thromboembolism (December 2014)
  • Sensitive and effective conversations at the end of life in acute stroke care (January 2016)

Therefore the website now offers the following training:

  1. Stroke Core Competencies: aimed at all staff working in stroke care.
  2. Advancing Modules: aimed primarily at registered nursing and AHP staff working in stroke services. There are now 18 modules.
  3. Thrombolysis Masterclass: aimed at senior staff involved in the decision making process and delivery of thrombolysis therapy.

You can access all the above resources via: https://www.chsselearning.org.uk

The website aims to provide an interactive way of learning where images, quizzes, animations and video clips are incorporated into a series of patient scenarios. Throughout the resource links to other learning and reference materials are provided. There are optional tests which, if successfully completed, will award the learner with a certificate. To date over 210,000 individuals have used the resources and over 47,000 certificates have been awarded.

The Stroke4carers website (www.stroke4carers.org)  is also part of the STARs website and this provides online advice, support and information for informal carers.

New advancing modules 

Reducing the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Written by Prof Martin Dennis, Professor of Stroke Medicine, the University of Edinburgh.

By completing this module you will learn a critical understanding of:

  • The frequency of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in stroke patients
  • The factors which increase patients risks of VTE after stroke
  • Interventions which may be helpful in reducing the risks of VTE
  • A detailed knowledge of how to use Intermittent Pneumatic compression

Sensitive and effective conversations at the end of life in acute stroke care

The theme of this module is sensitive and effective conversations at end of life in acute stroke. Tips and ideas for multidisciplinary teams and individuals when having difficult end of life care discussions.