Lothian Stroke MCN NHS Lothian | Our Services

Who can refer me to the clinics?

  • Most people will be referred by their GP.
  • Others are referred by a doctor in the hospital.
  • People may have attended the A&E department at one of the hospitals or the Eye Pavilion.

The referral process at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and the Western General Hospital

The referring doctors will have either:

  • Phoned the consultant stroke doctor on the Hotline to receive an immediate clinic appointment, or
  • Written a letter and posted or emailed it, or
  • Phoned the secretary dealing with appointments.

What happens then?

  • The doctor running the clinic will read the letter to ensure that the clinic is the appropriate place to see the patient. Sometimes the referral will be passed on to a more appropriate clinic.

How long will I have to wait for an appointment?

  • You will be seen at the first clinic with an available space. Waits vary depending on how many other referrals have been received around the same time.
  • If your GP has used the Hotline you will usually be seen within four days.
  • If your GP has written for an appointment you are likely to be seen within a week. If you have not heard from the hospital by one week you should ask your GP surgery to check what has happened.
  • You will be informed of your appointment time either by post or telephone call.​