Lothian Stroke MCN NHS Lothian | Our Services

Training and Education

The Training and Education Subgroup oversees training for all staff involved in stroke care. We have recently created a joint venture with NHS Borders and their management and staff are involved in the subgroup and the training courses. The group is made up of representatives from NHS and Health and Social Care Partnerships and is chaired by Mark Smith, Consultant AHP in stroke rehabilitation. 

Training days are arranged for core competencies [Current Care in Stroke Part 1 (CCIS1) and Part 2 (CCIS2)] and also single topic days around particular stroke-related subjects which may appeal to a more experienced audience. These are free to Lothian participants and clinical managers are encouraged to offer staff the opportunity to attend and progress through these levels. We also provide training for specific groups e.g. district nurses, social workers, carers.

July 2019 update: Our Stroke Education Facilitator post is currently vacant and we are endeavouring to appoint someone to this post.  All sessions  for the remainder of 2019 have been cancelled.

Any queries should be made to Mark.Smith@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk in the meantime.

The group has supportive a number of educational initiatives, such as using information technology for teaching patients with aphasia, developing radiological training tools and educational tools for assisting staff to better deal with emotional disturbance after stroke.

We have incorporated national Stroke core competencies for healthcare staff and more advanced modules within our programmes.

In partnership with both Edinburgh Napier University and Queen Margaret University (QMU) we provide validated postgraduate modules for staff working within stroke, and many of our professionals teach on these modules. We also continue to work with the local charity VOCAL, to enhance their existing training initiatives. Current available modules can be found on the ‘Courses and Events’ page.