Lothian Stroke MCN NHS Lothian | Our Services

Clinical Audits

​The following clinical audit projects are on-going in the Division of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN), and their associated documentation can be found below.  

The Lothian Audit of the Treatment of Cerebral Haemorrhage (LATCH)

Clinical audit on the assessment and management of ICH patients (Caldicott Guardian approved).

The Scottish Audit of Intracranial Vascular Malformations (SAIVMs)

SAIVMs is a national clinical audit, which is the result of a multicentre, multidisciplinary collaboration between representatives of the four Scottish neuroscience centres, other relevant specialists throughout NHS Scotland, patients, and general practitioners (GPs).

SAIVMs evaluates health services for patients with IVMs, in order to:

  1. monitor equity of access to treatment;
  2. monitor patterns of intervention;
  3. monitor the outcomes of patients who do and do not receive interventional treatment (and thereby monitor the beneficial and adverse effects of these interventions);
  4. assess the health economics of treatment use;
  5. strive for quality improvement in clinical services in Scotland.

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