Health Screening NHS Lothian | Our Services
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Bowel Screening Programme

What Keeps Me Healthy

Having a good balance of food and exercise is good for your health.

Good Food and Exercise


Fruit & Veg

Eating 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables per day.


Eating food that has fibre in it, such as brown rice, porridge and brown bread.

Alternatives to Red Meat

Chicken and fish are delicious substitutes for red meat and are considered to be some of the healthiest sources for protein in your diet.


Drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day.


Keeping to a healthy weight.


Being more active in everyday life, this includes walking more and sitting less.

Some things are Unhealthy for your Bowel


Too Much Meat

Eating processed meat like ham, sausages, bacon and burgers. Eating a lot of red meat like beef, lamb or pork.

Too Much Alcohol

Drinking a lot of alcohol.


Smoking tobacco is probably the worst thing you can do for your health.