Health Screening NHS Lothian | Our Services
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Bowel Screening Programme

Further Tests

This page explains what to expect if you have to have further tests after your Bowel Screening.

If you have to have Further Tests


Blood in Your Poo

If the amount of blood in your poo is above the normal screening limit, you will be asked to attend an appointment at the hospital. This is for a Colonoscopy.


A Colonoscopy is an when a health professional looks at your bowel using a thin bendy tube with a camera on the end.

How Long does a Colonoscopy Take?

It takes about 30 minutes so you shouldn’t need to stay in hospital for more than a few hours.

The video made by NHS Lothian gives information on having a Colonoscopy

Before Your Appointment

Before coming to the hospital, you will need to empty your bowel. You will be given clear instructions about how to do this before your appointment.

It’s Your Decision

Before your appointment, you will receive information on the benefits and risks of a Colonoscopy. It is up to you if you want to go for a Colonoscopy.



How do I know the Results?

A health professional will tell you your results of your Colonoscopy before you leave.

Making Changes to your Appointment


Changing Your Appointment

You can change your appointment by phoning the telephone number on your letter.


You should phone the telephone number on the letter if you:

  • would like to bring someone with you to the test.
  • have a disability.
  • need an interpreter or any other help.
  • have any worries or want to discuss anything about your appointment.