Bowel Screening Programme
Things to Help
Information and videos related to Bowel Screening.
Bowel Screening Leaflet & Instructions
Your Bowel Screening Test Kit instructions
Step-by-Step guide to your test
Bowel screening information
Easy Read Leaflet
Things to Help with your Colonoscopy
Your Colonoscopy Appointment
Easy read booklet from Macmillan
Colonoscopy with Plenvu
Information for Patients
Bowel screening: It’s Up to You
Video to support people with learning disability.
NHS Lothian Bowel Screening Film
Video discussing bowel screening experience
NHS Lothian Colonoscopy
Video discussing the colonoscopy
NHS Lothian CT colon
Coming for a minimal preparation CT colon
NHS Lothian CT colonogram
Coming for a CT colonogram
Bowel Cancer Screening video from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
This short video will inform men and women aged 50 – 74 about Bowel Screening. Men and women are invited to participate every two years and the video includes how to undertake the test and when to expect the results.