Health Screening NHS Lothian | Our Services
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Cervical Screening

Why is Cervical Screening Important?

This page explains what Cervical Screening is and why it is important.

What is Cervical Screening?

Cervical Screening

The cervical screening test (smear test) is designed to check your cervix (neck of the womb) for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).


HPV causes 99% of all cervical cancers. If HPV is found in your sample, it will be checked for cell changes. Cervical screening can stop cervical cancer before it starts.

HPV testing in cervical screening

Who Should Be Screened?

Aged 25-64 Years Old

Anyone in Scotland aged 25-64 years old with a cervix are offered cervical screening.

Every 5 Years

Cervical screening is offered every 5 years. You may be recalled more often depending on your test results:

HPV Awareness Video from Glasgow City HSCP and NHSGGC