Cervical Screening
Further Tests
This page explains what to expect if you have to have further tests after your Cervical Screening.
If you have to have Further Tests

Further Tests
If your results letter says to come for further tests, this means you will be invited for a Colposcopy.

What is a Colposcopy?
A Colposcopy is an examination of the cervix using a special microscope. Try not to worry. Less than 1 in 1000 people referred for a Colposcopy are found to have cervical cancer.

Before the Test
Before the test, the specialist will explain what will happen and ask if you have any questions. You may be offered a local anesthetic as it can feel a little bit uncomfortable.

The specialist will gently insert a speculum into your vagina and will look at your cervix through the microscope – it does not go inside you.

Closer Examination
If any abnormal areas are seen, a small sample may be removed for closer examination. You may feel a small pinch, but it shouldn’t be too painful.

Removing Abnormal Cells
If the specialist sees that there are some abnormal cells, they may decide to remove these straight away.
They remove abnormal cells, usually using a heated wire loop. This will only take a few minutes. Removing the abnormal cells has a good success rate.

6 Months Check-Up
You will be invited for a follow up cervical screening test in 6 months to check the treatment has been successful.

What Next?
Sometimes treatment is not needed. Your specialist will explain why to you and will arrange for you to have smear tests more often. In some cases, you will be asked to come back to the specialist clinic for further examinations.