Cervical Screening
Extra Help
Extra Help relating to Cervical Screening.
Cervical Screening
For any enquiries for cervical screening, please contact your GP practice.
Learning Disability Support Services
For people with a learning disability who need support to attend an outpatient appointment in one of the hospitals (Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, Western General Hospital or St Johns Hospital), please see the Hospital Liaison Service contacts page here.
For people with a learning disability who need support to attend an outpatient appointment in any other clinic or venue, please see the Community Learning Disability Team contacts page here.
Interpreting Service
An interpreting service is available free of charge for patients using NHS services in Edinburgh and the Lothians. This includes interpreting for people who are deaf or visually impaired.
You can request an interpreter when you call the service contact number. You can tell them what language support you need, or you may need a friend or relative to do this for you the first time you call.
A member of staff from the department you are attending will arrange the interpreter on your behalf and call you back. They will also arrange for an interpreter to be at your appointment.
Minority Ethnic Health Inclusion Service (MEHIS)
MEHIS can support people from minority ethnic groups with information and advice on health and other services. There multi-lingual link workers support people with information in their own language and to attend appointments.
You, a family member or friend can contact MEHIS at:
Craigmillar Health Centre
106 Niddrie Mains Road
EH16 4DT
Telephone 0131 536 9544