Future Care Planning / Anticipatory Care Planning NHS Lothian | Our Services

Care Homes

Future Care Planning in Care Homes

We have worked with care homes and GP Practices in Edinburgh to improve outcomes for care home residents through future care planning. Here you can find guidance for having future care planning discussions and tools for putting a plan in place together.

At the end of March 2020 we sent out Covid19 future care planning guidance to Edinburgh care homes. Since then we’ve worked with key national partners to refine the future care planning approach into a toolkit.

You can access a digital version of the toolkit on the Right Decisions service website or download the Mobile App from the App Store or Google Play.

The 7 steps to future care planning toolkit will support open and honest discussions with residents and their family about their health and wellbeing and wishes for the future, putting the resident at the centre of decisions about their health.

The toolkit includes:

Feedback from Care Home Manager

From our point of view the ACP tools are a great foundation for us to build a more person centred anticipatory care plan for our residents, it’s a really good sensitive prompt of topic. They are simple and straight to the point in a professional caring way. When we have used them with the GPs during this pandemic they allowed us to gather the information we needed quickly and allowed us to prepare for the inevitable. Families who have used them directly have said they were an easy guide to follow but still allowed them to get their relatives wishes down. Having the ACP-Key Information Summaries in place with the up to date relevant information has been a god send!

Reports, Blogs and Case Studies

In 2016 the future care planning team began working in partnership with care homes and GP practices in Edinburgh, with the shared aim of supporting residents to think ahead about what matters to them. Together they worked to ensure that residents have greater choice and control over their care and treatment should their condition deteriorate. Future care planning learning and improvements have been shared and tested with care homes and their aligned GP practices. 

Our aim during the improvement period April 2018 to March 2019 was to reduce avoidable hospital admissions for residents in 20 participating care homes by 10%. Exceeding all expectations the number of avoidable admissions was reduced by 56% with an estimated cost saving in NHS Lothian of £325,557.

Further information

For information on future care planning training please see the Future Care Planning Training Page.