Future Care Planning / Anticipatory Care Planning NHS Lothian | Our Services

Future Care Planning / Anticipatory Care Planning


Future Care Planning, previously known as Anticipatory Care Planning (ACP), helps you to make informed choices about how and where you want to be treated and supported in the future.

Health and care practitioners will work with you and those close to you to understand what matters most to you, to ensure the right thing is done at the right time by the right person.

Making plans in advance means there’s less to think about if you become unwell. It’s never too soon to think about what you’d like to happen if you get ill, or your health condition gets worse.

Why plan ahead?

Thinking ahead and making plans for changes in your health gives you more say over what happens.

Who can have a plan?

Anyone of any age can start Future Care Planning and plan ahead.

How do I start planning?

You can begin planning at any time. People often start to think ahead and talk with friends and family.


How plans are recorded, shared and updated.

It is never too soon…

Making plans in advance means there’s less to think about if you become unwell. It’s never too soon to think about what you’d like to happen if you get ill, or your health condition gets worse.