Wellbeing Lothian NHS Lothian | Our Services
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The Worry Tree

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The Worry Tree

Click on the link below to download a diagram that outlines ways to deal with worry.

The Worry Tree

Related Resources

  • SleepioSleepio
    Sleepio is a 6 week online program designed by sleep experts and based on cognitive and behavioural techniques.
  • Self-Help Strategies for Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)Self-Help Strategies for Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
    No matter what type of anxiety problem you are struggling with, it is important that you understand certain facts about anxiety. Here you can download a PDF guide from Anxiety Canada.
  • VIDEO: Reframing Anxiety
    This is a video from The Social by BBC Scotland. Esther De La Ford explains what anxiety is and how to manage it. She talks about ‘reframing anxiety’ to navigate it.
  • VIDEO: Tips for Dealing with Panic Attacks and Anxiety
    This is a video from The Social by BBC Scotland. Caragh shares her experiences and gives examples of exercises that help her manage anxiety and panic attacks.
landscape of Lothian area
landscape of Lothian area
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The Wellbeing Lothian website has been developed to provide information, self-help resources and links to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing.

We want to help you make changes in your own lives and point you in a direction to start doing so. This is Wellbeing Lothian’s aim.

Learn More about Wellbeing Lothian

This website is not intended in any way to replace the advice of a clinician. Specific advice should be sought in specific situations from a properly qualified health worker.


If you have any questions about our website or are having difficulty finding something in particular,  please fill in a few details below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership
Midlothian Health & Social Care Partnership
East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership
West Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership