Mental Health after Covid Hospitalisation NHS Lothian | Our Services


Anxiety is our body’s way of responding to threats that we encounter. Given this, it is unsurprising that lots of individual notice an increase in anxiety following Covid-19 and a hospital admission. This video explores:

  • Our old threat system
  • Physical sensations of anxiety
  • Symptom monitoring
  • Attention
  • Cultivating safety with our breath
  • Anchoring into the present using our senses

There are some audio files on this alternative NHS Lothian webpage which can be downloaded and listened to as part of a daily routine to help you to feel better able to manage anxiety: https://services.nhslothian.scot/lcps/compassion-focused-therapy-audio-tracks/

Resources to accompany this video – Physical symptoms of anxiety and breathing handout; Relaxation monitoring diary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv6HkipQcfA – (Russ Harris, The Happiness Trap: Evolution of the Human Mind)

For further support and resources, Click Here ; NHS inform.