Health and Care Professions Research NHS Lothian | Our Services

How to set up a Clinical or Academic Home

Clinical and Academic Homes Implementation Group

The Clinical and Academic Homes Implementation Group leads the implementation and evaluation of the Framework.  The professional or academic lead for each organisation are an important first point of contact for anyone wanting to set up a Clinical or Academic Home or a Clinical/Academic Partnership.

Prof. Juliet MacArthur, Chief Nurse Research & Development, NHS LothianNursing & Midwiferyjuliet.macarthur@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Andy Peters, AHP Research Facilitator, NHS LothianAHPsandy.peters@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Elaine Rankine, Head of Pharmacy, Education, Research & DevelopmentPharmacyelaine.rankine@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Dr Caroline Dickson, Senior Lecturer Nursing Division, Queen Margaret University QMUcdickson@qmu.ac.uk
Prof. Liz Hughes, Professor of Nursing, Edinburgh Napier UniversityENUl.hughes@napier.ac.uk
Prof. Susan Dawkes, Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedic Practice, Robert Gordon UniversityRGUs.dawkes@rgu.ac.uk
Prof. Ashley Shepherd, Deputy Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, University of StirlingStirlingashley.shepherd@stir.ac.uk.

Separate processes have been established for clinical and academic homes that reflect the governance requirements of the NHS and HEIs respectively – the steps are detailed in the following flowcharts: 

Setting up a Clinical Home

Setting up an Academic Home

Clinical Academic Home Agreement: this document is created for each individual and is bespoke to their specific role. It includes the focus and purpose of the role, level in relation to the Career Framework for Health, role title, key objectives, support and mentorship and induction arrangements. It is signed by the individual, their line manager and the key stakeholders in the host organisation.

Clinical Home honorary contracts require the individual to join the Protection of Vulnerable Group (PVG) scheme and to complete NHS Lothian Occupational Health screening and any further risk assessment if required. This documentation will be issued by the professional lead.