Health and Care Professions Research NHS Lothian | Our Services

First Steps into Research



This is a 12-day structured research experience taken flexibly over 12 months for early career professionals to become embedded in an established research team in higher education and/or the NHS to participate in a broad range of research activities.  The individual will have an identified research mentor who will also provide support to explore career development opportunities beyond the funded period.

We have identified 25 ‘First Steps’ opportunities for application for Cohort 4, which are available across four universities and NHS Lothian. Some of the studies may take place in other Health Boards. Full details can be accessed in the table below. These opportunities may not always match a professional’s specialism but should be seen as an opportunity to gain insight and experience into research and to promote the acquisition of transferable knowledge and skills. Some opportunities are at universities outside the Lothian area, however, these should still be considered as much of the contact with the mentor, research team and research activities can be done remotely.

Prospective candidates are also able to propose their own ‘First Steps’ opportunity.  This require extensive engagement with a host research team, a process that would be led by the candidate.  In addition to the standard application form candidates wishing to do this would be required to submit a ‘First Steps into Research Opportunity’ form completed by the host team, which confirms the full details.

Each ‘First Steps’ opportunity will involve the opportunity to achieve a range of relevant Research Development Objectives.

These awards fund the salary costs of 12 days study leave (subject to a cap of £3,500 per award) plus each successful ‘First Steps’ candidate will be awarded £500 funding that can be put towards a recognised research development opportunity; this could be a Masters level research module, attendance at a research conference, introductory research methods course.  All candidates will be invited to attend Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training.

The funding awarded can be applied flexibly over a 12 month period in terms of when the study days are taken.

Applications should be submitted by13th January 2025.

Application form First Steps Gateway Award – submit to Loth.GatewayAwards@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Please also complete and return an Equal Opportunities Form

Full Terms and Conditions of a First Steps into Research Gateway Award

First Steps Opportunities 2025

Edinburgh Napier UniversityCardiovascular HealthStudies on atrial fibrillation, stroke rehabilitation and use of healthcare technologiesProf Lis NeubeckNursing, AHP
Edinburgh Napier UniversityLearning DisabilitiesLearning Disabilities Knowledge to Action Research GroupDr Natasha Spassiani and Prof Nicola RingAll with an interest in LD research
Edinburgh Napier UniversityRespiratory CareRespiratory Care
Professor Nicola Roberts
Edinburgh Napier UniversityAcquisition of clinical skills expertiseEntire portfolio of active research studies within the Special Interest Group for Simulation Based Education (SIGSBE)Prof Cathal BreenAll
Edinburgh Napier UniversityMidwiferyContinuity of Midwifery CareDr Alix Aitken-Arbuckle and Prof Yvonne KuipersMidwifery
Edinburgh Napier UniversityMental HealthMental Health and Mental Disability ResearchProf Jill Stavert, Prof Nadine Dougall, Prof Elizabeth McKay and Dr Fiona MacleanAll
Edinburgh Napier UniversityMedicine OptimisationShort Duration Antibiotic Therapy for Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis (SHORTER Trial): A Mixed-Methods Process Evaluation of a Randomised Controlled TrialDr Gosha Wojcik, Associate Professor Alpana Mair All
NHS Lothian/University of Edinburgh
Clinical TrialsEdinburgh Clinical Research Facilities – Opportunity to be involved in wide range of clinical trials to suit the individual – Dr Corrienne McCullochAll
NHS Lothian/University of EdinburghCritical Care and Perioperative CareA range of locally led and national clinical trials and studies – David Hope/Dr Tom Craven (Edinburgh Critical Care Research Group)All
NHS Lothian/University of EdinburghPaediatric Critical CareData driven improvement research in paediatric critical and acute care / IMPACT-ACE programmeDr Milly LoAll
NHS LothianEmergency DepartmentPoint-of-care assessment of drug-induced liver injury Rachel O’BrienAll
NHS Lothian/University of EdinburghInfections DiseasesClinical infection research including sexual health, blood borne viruses, microbiology, Covid -19 and emerging infectionAmy Shepherd
Queen Margaret UniversityRehabilitationExercise Rehabilitation (Chronic Kidney Disease)Dr Pelagia KoufakiPhysiotherapy, Physiologists
Queen Margaret UniversityPerson-Centred NursingExpert Components of Person-Centred Nursing Intervention for older People with Cognitive Impairment in a Hospital Experiencing Distress (EPIC)Prof Erna HaraldsdottirNursing
Queen Margaret UniversityClinical Audiology, Speech and Language Research CentreSystematic review of neuro-affirming practices in health, education, employment and criminal justiceDr Marion RutherfordSpeech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy
Queen Margaret UniversityCentre for Health, Activity and Rehabilitation ResearchLongitudinal profiles of lower limb range of motion in children with cerebral palsy using data from the Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway Scotland programmeDr Marietta Van Der LindenPhysiotherapy
Robert Gordon UniversityScottish Centre for Evidence-based, Multi-professional Practice Applied Health Research and Evidence SynthesisProf Kay CooperAHP
Robert Gordon University
PharmacyIntegration of Pharmacist Independent Prescribing (PIP) into models of practiceProf Scott CunninghamPharmacy
Robert Gordon University
PharmacyAddressing social determinants of health: role of community pharmacyProf Scott CunninghamPharmacy
Robert Gordon UniversityMental HealthExploring men’s mental health and help-seeking practices in ScotlandDr Nick AdamsAll but especially Psychology, Mental Health Nursing
University of Edinburgh (Nursing Studies)

RehabilitationDevelopment of a nurse-led, holistic, neurological rehabilitation intervention which supports the psychosocial rehabilitation and survivorship of young adults following an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)Dr Elaine Haycock-StuartNursing
University of Edinburgh (Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic)Neurodegenerative DisordersRowlingCARE (Clinical, Audit, Research and Evaluation) of Neurodegenerative DisordersJudy NewtonAll
University of StrathclydePharmacyA computerised clinical decision support tool(s) to improve antipsychotic prescribing among hospitalised patients in the acute care setting in Scotland –Prof Marion Bennie/Dr Tanja Mueller/Dr Amanj KurdiAll
University of StrathclydePharmacyProfiling and assessing medicines use in pregnancy in Scotland: a population-based, whole system prescribing approach using routine data from clinical care – Dr Tanja Mueller/Dr Amanj KurdiAll
University of StrathclydePharmacyCancer Medicines Outcomes Programme Prof Marion Bennie / Emma DunlopPharmacy, cancer NMAHP


  1. To identify early career NMAHPPS professionals who demonstrate interest and potential for a clinical academic research career
  2. To create a rich and realistic introduction to a research career by providing experience of participating in an existing research study or supporting the development of a funding application.
  3. To provide mentorship and support regarding the next steps on clinical academic research career pathway.

Target Group

  • NMAHPPS employed by NHS Lothian who are keen to develop research relevant skills and knowledge
  • Applicants are likely to be early career, however, more experienced NMAHPPs may be considered
  • Ideally undergraduate NMAHPPS students should be made aware of the prospect of the award during the final year of their learning programme and should be encouraged to make links with the respective NHS Lothian research leads at an early stage of their employment.

Criteria for Application

  • In a substantive post employed by NHS Lothian
  • Identification of research interest within personal development plan

Criteria for Award

  • Support from immediate line manager to be released for study leave
  • Clarification from candidate and line manager that any identified area of research interest is relevant to NHS Lothian priorities

Expected Outcomes

There are a range of outcomes that could arise from this award:

  • Engagement in research tasks associated with an ongoing research project (e.g. recruitment, consenting, data collection, data analysis, report writing etc.)
  • Participation in systematic reviewing processes (e.g. database searching, screening, data extraction etc.)
  • Networking activities (e.g. conference attendance for presenting a poster/abstract etc either as first or co-author etc)
  • Named author on publication associated with the research project (this may come at a later stage after the end of the funded award)

Next Steps

  • Candidates could be considered for an ongoing academic home with the research team (see Lothian NMAHPPS Clinical and Academic Home Framework)
  • There may be opportunities to apply for MRes Gateway or, if the candidate has sufficient academic experience a Pre-doctoral Gateway
  • Candidates will be invited to join the NMAHPPS Doctoral Network for ongoing peer support and networking