In June 2022 NHS Lothian’s first AHP Innovation, Research, and Improvement Strategy was endorsed by our AHP Extended Leadership Team.
The strategy covers the period 2022-27 and our services have committed to a range of actions with timelines under five broad strands. We are now well into the implementation stage having establishing an Implementation Steering Group to oversee, support, and monitor a range of working groups who are focusing on making the various actions a reality.
Click on the links below to view or download the following:
A one page, visual Summary of the Strategy which might be useful for printing as a poster, for instance
A sketch of our Implementation Plan
Our first Progress Report March 2024
If you are working for an AHP service in NHS Lothian and are interested in contributing to this implementation process in any way then please contact either Andy Peters (AHP Research &Development Facilitator) or Lucie McAnespie (Head of Adult Speech & Language Therapy) and we can discuss the best way forward. We are keen to make this process as widely representative and collective as possible.