South East Scotland Genetic Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

Reporting DNA test results

A written report is sent to the referring clinician or nominated clinic.

Reports from referrals indicated as urgent will be telephoned to the named clinician.  Genetic results are not available via the APEX or HIS systems, or on Sci Store

Reporting Times

Reporting times for disorders sent away for testing by other laboratories may vary, please consult these labs directly for details.

TestReporting time
Prenatal diagnosis5 days
Predictive testing (via Clinical Genetics only)2 weeks
Routine testing e.g. CF, developmental delay screen4 weeks
Mutation screening8 weeks

Requests for additional tests

Laboratory policy is for extracted DNA samples to be retained indefinitely (except those provided under “closed consent”).  As a consequence, there is no time limit on requests for additional tests.

Requests for additional testing not covered by the initial referral form, particularly if this involves export of DNA to another laboratory, may require an additional written request in the form of a referral letter or fresh request form; please contact the laboratory to discuss.

Advice on testing and interpretation of results

Staff in both cytogenetic and DNA laboratories are happy to offer advice on technical aspects of testing and/or interpretation of results obtained.  They can be contacted during normal working hours.  For clinical advice contact Clinical Genetics.