(in line with the Scottish Germline Test Directory)
Molecular Service : edinburgh.dna@nhs.scot
Telephone: 0131 537 1116
Cytogenomic Service: wgh.cytogenetics@nhs.scot
Telephone: 0131 537 1940
For Specimen requirements overview please see the Specimen Requirement page.
The laboratories respond to enquiries from healthcare professionals only.
If you are a patient, you need to talk to your G.P. about any possible genetic testing
Open Weekdays Only: 0900-1700
(skeleton staff only on statutory public holidays)
The laboratories are located at the Western General Hospital in the Molecular Medicine Centre (circled red on map below) and the David Brock Building (circled green) both of which are accessed from the Porterfield Road entrance (entrance āCā). Sample reception is in the Molecular Medicine Centre (Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine/IGMM North).