You may refer yourself using the appropriate forms for the following problems:
MSK (Musculoskeletal) problems
Problems typically involving muscles, bones, joints and ligaments
MSK Self Referral Form – word version which can be completed online
MSK Self Referral Form – pdf version if you do not have word and for completion by hand
Please either email the completed form OR print it off and send it to us, the email address and postal address are on the self referral form.
For more information see our Out Patient Clinics and Services page.
The trial period of the digital back pain service, delivered by NHS Lothian’s clinical partner, Flok health has now closed to new patients. All patients registered with the digital back pain service will continue to receive access to their personalised assessment and treatment programme for up to 6 months from date of registration.
Bladder problems
Bladder Self Referral Form
For more information see our Continence and Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Service page.

Walking Aids
If you require an assessment for a new walking aid please complete this form:
Walking Aid Self Referral Form
Please either email the completed form OR print it off and send it to us, the email address and postal address are on the self referral form.
If your problem is severe, or getting worse, please see your GP or seek more urgent medical attention.