Cystic Fibrosis Adult Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

Managing your emotional wellbeing during the Covid-19 outbreak

We know that coping with Cystic Fibrosis, in addition to the usual stresses in life, can be especially hard at times and that the COVID-19 pandemic will undoubtedly have affected you all in many different ways: physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically.

Each of you will have your own set of unique personal circumstances impacting how you feel.  The good news is that there are many strategies that can help to settle your head and heart a little, and we have put together a selection of documents, useful links and apps, based on well-researched psychological principles. These resources will hopefully offer some new ideas, as well as revisiting some of the many helpful coping strategies that you will likely already have developed in order to manage your health concerns.


Please contact the CF Office if you wish to speak to Dr. Fabia Cientanni, Clinical Health Psychologists and a telephone consultation will be arranged for you as soon as possible. 



You might also want to try using an app to access some helpful resources for managing your emotional wellbeing.  The list of apps out there is endless, but some especially useful ones are:

Calm – includes guided meditations, sleep stories, breathing programs and relaxing music.
Happify – includes engaging games, activity suggestions, gratitude prompts to overcome negative thoughts.
Headspace – teaches the skills of mindfulness and meditation.
Mind Shift – specifically for teens and young adults with anxiety.
Self Help for Anxiety Management – includes 25 different self-help techniques.
Smiling Mind – includes daily meditation and mindfulness exercises.


If you are especially worried about your mental health and feel that you need to speak to somebody out of hours, the following can be contacted:

Breathing Space – Telephone: 0800 83 85 87 (Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am, Friday 6pm-Monday 6am) https://breathingspace.scot/

The Samaritans – Telephone: 116 123 (Available 24 hours, 7 days a week)

If you feel that urgent help is required, please phone NHS 24 on 111.

In an emergency, please dial 999