Cystic Fibrosis Adult Service NHS Lothian | Our Services


CF Senior Dietitians

Marie Richardson and Lianne Robb review patients at clinic and on the ward. They give advice on enzymes, vitamins and oral supplements. For those who require additional dietary support, they provide expert supervision of nasogastric and gastrostomy feeding. Lianne and Marie are a dedicated team ensuring people who attend our service receive the proven benefits an optimal nutritional status can bring.

Marie Richardson
Marie Richardson

CF Senior Dietitian

Marie joined the CF team in 1998. There have been many nutritional challenges along the way and the role of the dietitian is constantly evolving. Her particular interest is helping people self-manage the second chronic condition of Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes.

Lianne Robb
Lianne Robb

CF Senior Dietitian

Lianne has worked as a dietitian in Lothian since 2000 and has been part of the CF team since 2006.  During this time, she has been involved in several projects and initiatives to improve nutritional care in CF. Lianne is a member of the Scottish and the UK Cystic Fibrosis Dietitians Interest Group and attends these meetings regularly.