What to expect at your/your child’s orthoptic appointment?
During your first visit and initial orthoptic assessment, we will try to listen to the concerns you currently have either for yourself or your child. We will enquire about general health in relation to eyes and ask about any previous eye treatment. It may also be appropriate to discuss any family history of eye problems or any birth history in relation to your child.
Your vision or that of your child will be assessed. Orthoptists are competent in assessing the vision of children of all ages, and tailor the assessment according to your child’s needs and development. We carry out a range of tests to assess how the eyes work together as a pair, and check for any muscle imbalance. All tests are non-invasive and can take between 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete.
Dependent on the type of clinic you/your child are booked for, it may be appropriate to have eye drops instilled to allow the eye doctor or hospital optician to check that the eyes are healthy and whether glasses are required. The eye drops enlarge the pupil (the black circle in the centre of the eye) so the eyes will be more sensitive to light and the use of sunglasses or a cap is therefore recommended on sunny days. The focussing ability for close work will be temporarily affected. This can last up to 4 hours.
Interpretation services are available for an interpreter to join you at the appointment. Please ensure that you have put a request through in advance so booked for your appointment. This can be arranged by phoning the telephone number on your appointment letter.
Will I/my child receive treatment on the same day?
Dependent on the findings of your orthoptic assessment, you may receive treatment on the same day. We can often aid the symptom of double vision with the use of prisms during the first visit to the orthoptic department. For children’s appointments, if we find a reduced level of vision and you have an appointment with the optometrist or doctor, your child may be given a prescription for glasses on the same day.
What should I do if I need to change or cancel my appointment?
If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please ring the contact telephone number on your appointment letter as soon as possible, this allows us to offer this appointment to other patients.
You can also find contact information on our Contact Us page.