Rheumatology NHS Lothian | Our Services

Osteoporosis and Bone Services

The Lothian Rheumatic Diseases Unit is responsible for the provision of a specialist service for patients with osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

This includes the provision and delivery of parenteral (injection) treatments for osteoporosis in patients who are unsuitable for oral medication as well as the provision, delivery and supervision of anabolic treatments for patients with severe osteoporosis.

The unit is also responsible for running a fracture liaison service (FLS) in conjunction with the medical physics department at the Western General Hospital. The FLS co-ordinates bone density (DEXA) scanning for individuals above the age of 50 who suffer low trauma fractures, coupled to initiation of treatment for osteoporosis where clinically appropriate.

The unit also acts as a referral centre for patients with rare bone disease and is recognised by the Paget’s Association as a Paget’s Disease Centre for Excellence (www.paget.org.uk)