Neuropsychology NHS Lothian | Our Services

Information for Healthcare Professionals

This page contains comments and videos from two Specialist Nurses, a Neurologist and a Neurosurgeon about why they refer patients to the Neuropsychology Services in Edinburgh.

​​This section of the website is for healthcare professionals who wish to make a referral to the neuropsychology service or want further information about the clinical, research, teaching and training activities carried out by the departments.

Neuropsychology offers a unique service to patients after discharge, assisting them with adjustment back in to normal life and the work place.” – Karen Briggs (Clinical Nurse Specialist)

“The main reasons for referral in the epilepsy group is for help with cognitive assessments and management of depression and anxiety and the wide range of effects this has on the patient and familyMy hope for each referral is different in every case. 

With regard to cognitive assessment I wish for the patient to gain a greater understanding of their current difficulties with strategies on how to cope with them. With regard to depression and anxiety I wish for the patient to be able to challenge some of the thought processes that are going on and for them to be endowed with the strategies for how to deal with future issues.

I feel that the neuropsychology service is vital for my patient group from assessment for surgery to helping them cope with life. It is useful and reassuring to know that there is a competent specialist neuropsychology service available to our patients.” – Declan Ahern (Epilepsy Nurse Specialist).

The views of a Neurologist
The views of a Neurosurgeon