Midlothian Psychological Therapies Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

Survive And Thrive Course

You have been signposted to these short videos because you have been referred to, and are waiting to attend, the Survive and Thrive course or because your clinician, therapist or worker thinks you may find them helpful.

Survive and Thrive is a popular and effective psycho-educational course for people who have been affected by interpersonal trauma. The Survive and Thrive course consists of 10 weekly, 2 hr sessions. It aims to help you gain a psychological understanding of your difficulties and you will learn strategies that can help you cope better.

The following videos do not aim to replace the Survive and Thrive course; however they will help you prepare for the course. The videos will give you an introduction to some of the key concepts that are taught on the course and you can get started by practicing some of the recommended coping strategies. People who have already completed the course tell us that practicing coping skills is helpful.

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0800 027 1234