Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP) NHS Lothian | Our Services

Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP)

Woodlands House – Astley Ainsley Hospital


To provide residential rehabilitation treatment for people who want to achieve a substance-free recovery.

We will reach this by:

  • delivering evidence-based treatment
  • putting the patient at the centre of the treatment process
  • helping patients achieve their goals and the best outcomes

About The Programme

LEAP is a treatment and rehabilitation programme for those dependent on alcohol and other drugs (including opiates, stimulants, cannabis, tranquillisers etc.) and usually lasts 3 months or longer. It is suitable for those who want to achieve a substance-free recovery.

This is a quasi residential rehabilitation unit, so the patient group live together in our two housing units, travelling to the rehab unit six out of seven days. The programme timetable is intensive with scheduled activities 7 days per week, including evenings.

The programme is part of the services provided by the Addiction Treatment & Recovery Care Directorate and is delivered in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council, the Cyrenians, Encompass and Alcohol and Drug Partnerships.

There are several elements in the LEAP programme to help people achieve recovery. These are:

  • Medical care (including detoxification)
  • Therapeutic (group and one to one sessions)
  • Mutual aid/recovery community resources
  • Trauma-informed support
  • Access to psychiatry and psychology care
  • Access to Occupational Therapy
  • Peer support
  • Preparation for Rehab
  • Complementary therapies
  • Drama sessions
  • Recreational activities and trips
  • Support with housing
  • Education, training and employability
  • Long-term Aftercare
  • Family Programme

Charts explaining the pathways to residential treatment are downloadable below:

Pathway Chart – Edinburgh

Pathway Chart – Lothians