Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP) NHS Lothian | Our Services


LEAP will take referrals from any professional involved in the care of a suitable patient. Referrals are made on the LEAP referral form and primary care staff can make referrals using SCI Gateway. 

Download LEAP Referral Form

For patients needing detoxification from substances, the service will take patients who are stable in their drug use (on a prescription and not using significant amounts of illicit drugs).

LEAP will normally start an assessment when prospective patients are on 

  • Methadone 60mls or less
  • Diazepam 20mg or less
  • Suboxone/Subutex 20mg or less
  • Espranor 18mg or less
  • Buvidal weekly preparation 24mg or less
  • Buvidal monthly preparation 96mg or less

Budival ideally converted from monthly to the weekly preparation shortly prior to admission.

Patients can be referred in on 60mls of methadone, but need to have reduced to 50mls by admission. Alcohol detoxification can be provided although LEAP sometimes has to arrange admissions to the Ritson Clinic for this to be done safely as an inpatient. Patients using crack or powder cocaine or other stimulants will also be medically supported through any withdrawals.

If you have an assessment specific to your service and are willing to share that with us, this would be appreciated.

The LEAP referral criteria are detailed in Ref Help. Referrals for Edinburgh patients are assessed by the Residential Referrals social work team. For other Lothian areas, patients are assessed by the LEAP team.